Airbus A330 300

Airbus A330 300

Malaysia airlines is operating the a330 300 on long haul flights. The airbus a330 is a wide body airliner made by airbusin the mid 1970s airbus conceived several derivatives of the a300 its first airliner and developed the a330 twinjet in parallel with the a340 quadjetin june 1987 airbus launched both designs with their first orders.

Airbus A330 Wikipedia

Airbus mengembangkan varian a330 200 untuk menyaingi boeing 767 300er yang pada saat itu giat melakukan penetrasi pasarhal ini disebabkan penjualan a330 300 yang kurang menggembirakan pada saat itu serta permintaan maskapai akan pesawat yang lebih kecil dan jarak yang lebih jauh.

Airbus A330 300 Garuda

Airbus A330 300 Garuda

Keep up the good. Garuda is a outstanding airline offering great service the seat featured a wide range of movies tv shows and music and there were also charging ports for usb devices.

Garuda Indonesia All Economy Airbus A330 300 Solo Soc To Jakarta

Economy has 215 seats in a 2 4 2 config.